Create & Follow a Friend List on Facebook

Seattle Pockets
1 min readJul 7, 2021


by Keridwyn Deller July 2021 (These instructions are for desktop/laptop use of Facebook)

Creating a Friend List on Facebook can have many benefits. Two benefits I appreciate are:

  • share posts just to that group of friends (edit privacy in individual posts)
  • click on the friend list to see a newsfeed of posts and activity by only those people

Here’s how to create a Friend list on Facebook:

  1. visit on your computer
  2. Click “More” on the sidebar
  3. Scroll down and click Friend Lists (this should take you to
  4. Click Create List. Name list and add friends to it. Only you will be able to see this list and see who is in it.

You can make many Friend Lists on Facebook (one for close friends, one for work colleagues, etc)

To view the newsfeed of just the people in one list:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on the list you want. You’ll then see the recent activity of friends who are in that list.

Please note: I find Friend Lists to be incredibly glitchy. It’s an imperfect system but I find it helpful when wanting to share a post with only close friends or when wanting to feel a bit more in control of what I see in my newsfeed.

Cheers, Keridwyn

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Seattle Pockets

Exploring the many pockets of life and fun (Seattle, online, and beyond). Entertainment blog by Keridwyn. All links: